Why does the CuLator Ultra 4.0 Swell Up?

culator metal eliminator

When CuLator is added to the skimmer or pump basket, it usually swells up and becomes very puffy. This is normal. The best way to see if the CuLator is catching metals is to hold it up to the light. In this case, there is some blue at the top showing that the CuLator is binding copper out of the swimming pool water and preventing stains..



Why does the CuLator Ultra 4.0 puff up? The CuLator polymers “hydrate” when they enter the water and puff up.  As they bind the metals out of the pool water, the CuLator bags will “shrink” back down to a much smaller size.  So, when is CuLator finished?  It is easier to tell with the Ultra 4.0 because the bag will be about 1/2 full, or the contents will feel watery inside or they will feel sandy.  With the 1.0 it is a little bit harder to tell, but when the bag feels almost empty or there is a lot of color in the bag after a month, then it is exhausted.

Start Up and Fire Up Your Pool with CuLator Metal Eliminator

The very best way to prevent water discoloration and metal staining on your new pool surface is to remove all the metals from the fill water with a FillFast Metal Remover and Water Pre-Filter:

FillFast Pool & Spa
FillFast Pool & Spa Metal Remover and Water Pre-Filter


However, if you are having a professional build your pool, make sure they know you want to use CuLator Ultra 4.0 in the pump basket to remove all stain-causing metals.  They generally will use a sequestering agent, but that isn’t enough.  You see, if you have a gunite or diamond brite or any aggregate surface, you must brush the surface every day for 30 days to help the surface cure and harden properly.  That first month, the surface may release additional metals into the water.  So, even if you have run your water through the FillFast system, you still need to use a sequestering agent and a CuLator Ultra 4.0 to protect the surface.  Just leave the CuLator in your pump basket for several months to make sure your surface is perfect.  To protect from future staining, just replace the used CuLator Ultra 4.0 with a new one!

This works with vinyl pools, and fiberglass pools, as well!

If you are on well water, pre-filtering is the best solution.  Carbon and resin tanks and other pre-filters only get out particulate and treat small amounts of water.  The FillFast uses patented CuLator in a filter to remove the ionized stain-causing metals BEFORE they get into the swimming pool water:

Used CuLator Filters
Used CuLator Filters

And, FillFast treats up to 10,000 gallons!



To review:

  1. Pre-Filter your water with FillFast.
  2. Use a sequestering agent  CuLator Metal Sequester
  3. Use a CuLator Ultra 4.0 <


Review of CuLator Metal Eliminator with Before and After Shot

Before and After CuLator
Before and After CuLator

This pool was greenish from oxidized iron and lower alkalinity.  After the chemistry was balanced and a CuLator Ultra 4.0 was used to remove the metals from the water, the pool stair stains were gone, the cloudiness was gone, and the metals were out of the pool water.

Here is the review:

Hi,     I placed the CU Lator in the skimmer basket last week. The results from the test at Leslie’s is no copper. The chlorine and other test items were just about ok. So yesterday the family used the pool.     I want to thank you for the product, CU Lator, and the kind and attentive assistance you gave to me in getting my pool dilemma resolved.     Now I will have to learn how to balance the pool chemicals, so it  does not repeat again. Thank you again and have a nice day.

F.T.  Lincoln Park, NJ

Kids Hair Turned Green From Pool Water

Here is a recent question we received that I wanted to share:

I have a question regarding the Metal Eliminator. We have copper in our pool (about 2.0) no staining or water changing color… just the kids hair is getting a green tint. Do we have to use the Metal Sequester first (I did use metal free at the beginning of the season)? Or can I just get the CuLator Metal Eliminator and put it in my pump basket. Much Appreciated!!

K.D. California

Here is the response:


Copper will definitely turn your kids hair green.  No, you don’t have to use the Metal Sequester first, but rather use it at the same time with the CuLator Metal Eliminator Ultra 4.0 ( in your pump basket) for best results.  All metal sequestering agents have a limited life span.  Usually about three to four weeks; so, the best way to deal with stain-causing metals is to get them out of the water.  CuLator is the only product that gets the metal out of the swimming pool water.
