Solved! How do I fix my cloudy purple pool water?

If you have crazy cloudy purple pool and you can’t see the main drain,  you came to the right place. We have a super solution for you, complete with easy-to-use, step-by-step directions from Dr. Joe! This is the DIY way to get rid of your cloudy purple swimming pool water!

If your pool water is clear and purple, but not cloudy, click here for the Clear Purple Pool Water Treatment.

Purple Pool Water
Cloudy Purple Pool Water DIY
Cloudy Purple Pool Water DIY Solution

Use our step-by-step guide for fixing cloudy purple pool water below.

Items needed to fix your cloudy purple pool water:


We recommend using liquid chlorine for this process.

Copper-Based Algaecide

A copper-based algaecide (Dr. Joe recommends Bio-Dex Aqua Pure) works with chlorine to kill organics. Follow the directions on the algaecide label.

Super Metal Stain Eliminator Kit

Super Start-Up is an extra strength sequestering/chelating agent that holds stain-causing metals, like iron, copper, and manganese in suspension.  

Rust and Iron Stain Remover reduces the suspended oxidized iron (rust) into its clear ionic form.

Copper Stain Remover reduces the suspended oxidized copper into its clear ionic form.

CuLator Ultra 4.0 removes and eliminates dissolved iron and other metals from the swimming pool.

Purchase our Super Metal Stain Eliminator Kit and use the step-by-step instructions below to solve your cloudy purple pool water problems!

Follow these directions step-by-step to remove cloudy purple pool water.

Print off the Step-By-Step Guide Here.

Prior to starting this procedure read all instructions. Make sure to properly balance to pool and spa water, but the free chlorine level should be below 0.5 ppm. IMPORTANT: The pool should not be used until the procedure is completed and the pH is 7.2-7.8 and free chlorine level is between 1.0 ppm and 4.0 ppm.

Balanced Pool Water Guide: Free Chlorine: 1-4 ppm, Total Chlorine 1-4 ppm, Combined Chlorine 0, pH: 7.2-7.8, Calcium Hardness: 200-400 ppm, Alkalinity: 80-120 ppm, Cyanuric Acid (CYA) 30-50, Iron: 0 ppm, and Copper: 0 ppm.

Step 1.

Start by using a leaf net to remove any floating debris and carefully remove any settled debris from the pool.

Step 2.

Brush the pool surface to loosen any settled debris.

Step 3.

Vacuum any remaining debris to waste.

Step 4.

Continue to run the pool’s filtration system to help remove suspended particles. You may have to clean your filters if the pressure increases.

Step 5.

Make sure your alkalinity is between 60-120 ppm and your pH is between 7.2-7.8

Step 6.

If you cannot see the bottom of the pool, remove 4-6″ of water and refill with fresh water two to three times before starting. This will lower the copper and CYA levels. IMPORTANT! Check with a local pool builder or pool professional before removing any water to make sure your pool will not damage your pool.

Step 7.

Balance the swimming pool water using the Balanced Pool Water Guide.

Step 8.

Super Start-Up: Thoroughly shake until the solids are completely suspended. Walk around the edge of the pool adding Super Start-Up to the water. IMPORTANT: Make sure that the proper amount of the contents of the bottle are added (Full quart bottle for 20,000 gallons, 3/4 bottle for 15,000 gallons, 1/2 bottle for 10,000 gallons and 1/4 bottle for 5,000 gallons.  Do not over-use Super Start-Up or you can lock up your chlorine).

Allow the Super Start-Up to circulate in the pool for 1.5 to 2 hours.  You may see discolored water out of the returns.  This is normal and will dissipate in a few hours.

Step 9.

Place CuLator Ultra 4.0 into your pump basket. CuLator removes and eliminates metals, which prevents metal staining and water discoloration.

Step 10.

Wait for the chlorine level to go below 0.5 ppm. This may take a few days.

Step 11.

Walk around the edge of the pool adding 1 bag of Rust and Iron Stain Remover and 1 bag of Copper Stain Remover. This will both reduce the chlorine level to 0 ppm and help to remove the green or other color of the water.

Step 12.

Run the circulation pump for 2 hours.

Step 13.

If the water is clear and colorless Go to step 14.

If the pool water is still cloudy, skip step 14 and go to step 15 below.

Step 14.

If your pool water is clear and colorless, start to slowly add chlorine (1/8 of a lb. of powdered chlorine or 1/4 gal. of liquid chlorine per hour, per 20,000 gal.) until the level reaches 1-4 ppm.  The pool water may go cloudy*, which is normal, and may last a few days to several days. It may take a large amount of chlorine before the chlorine holds. Finish balancing the pool water and maintain a chlorine level between 1-4 ppm.

Keep the chlorine level between 1-2 ppm for 3-4 weeks. DO NOT OVER-CHLORINATE WITH LIQUID OR POWDERED CHLORINE OR SHOCK DURING THIS TIME. (If you allow the chlorine level to exceed 4 ppm the brown water may return and surface staining may appear). Keep the filtration system running for a minimum of 12 hours per day until the water is clear. 

*Note: The pool water may temporarily turn cloudy due to the chlorine removing excess Stain Removers. Once the excess Stain Removers are gone, the cloudiness will disappear, and you will be able to hold and measure chlorine in the pool water.  This may take several days. 

Step 15.

If the pool is still cloudy, add chlorine to the pool until the level is between 5-10 ppm. Allow the filter pump to run for 12-24 hours. This helps to remove algae and other organics.  The chlorine level will drop about 1 ppm per day.

If the pool has become clear and colorless, you are done!  CONGRATULATIONS! Balance the swimming pool water.

If the pool has stains then you will need a Metal Stain Eliminator Kit. 

Follow the kit instructions completely.

Purchase The Metal Stain Remover Kit!

We have the solution for cloudy purple pool water!

Cloudy Green Pool Water Solution - Before Treatment
Before Treatment
Cloudy Green Pool Water Solution - After Treatment
After Treatment
Periodic Products' Metal Stain Eliminator Kit for Pools and Spas

Do You Have Pool Stains?

Remove pool stains with the Metal Stain Eliminator Kit!

How can I prevent nasty purple pool water?

It’s easy to prevent icky purple water in the future. Simply keep your water balanced and chlorinated and use our Trifecta System:

  1. Pre-Filter source water with FillFast.
  2. Sequester any additional metals with Super Start-Up or Mega Maintain.
  3. Place a CuLator Ultra 4.0 in your pump basket.