What is the S.T.A.R. Certification Program?
Periodic Products Inc. has been working with pool owners and professionals to help them with metals and metal staining issues for more than a decade and is a recognized leader in pool chemicals education. The pool industry is filled with myths and misinformation about pool chemistry. Dr. Joseph Laurino wanted to create a certification program to give honest and science-based information to service providers and pool professionals. The STAR program was created!

S.T.A.R - Stain Treatment and Removal Certification!
STAR, which stands for Stain Treatment And Removal, is a 5-tiered certification program designed to teach you everything you need to know about metal stain prevention, water discoloration, and metal stain removal. You will also learn some advanced chemistry, information about pool start-ups and more!
Dr. Joe has created 5 classes to address metals and staining issues. The classes range from beginner introduction to advanced chemistry and stain removal. You will receive a STAR for each level you complete which will open new opportunities to you.

The STAR Certification Classes
STAR 101: Introduction to Metal Staining and Stain Removal–you will receive one STAR!
STAR 201: Intermediate Metal Stain Removal–you will receive two STARS!
STAR 301: Intermediate Preventive Maintenance–you will receive three STARS!
STAR 401: Advanced Metal Control Techniques–you will receive four STARS!
STAR 501: Advanced Metal Stain Removal–you will receive five STARS!

The Benefits of a STAR Certification
You will increase your knowledge of pool chemistry, metal issues, and metal staining treatments by learning from the foremost expert on metal staining in the indusrty.
You will become STAR Certified which is a prestige certification and differentiates you from your competition.
You will receive graduated discounts on CuLator and related products. This will increase your sales and profitability.
You will receive a diploma with your certification along with “swag” to show off your new certification.
Get Updates on STAR!

Where can I take the STAR Certification?
We are rapidly expanding our certification classes across the USA, starting with the first in-person course at the International Pool, Spa, and Patio Expo in Las Vegas. See our events below for upcoming classes. If you would like to schedule an in-person class for your company please contact as!