Dive into Happiness: Our Sponsorship of the Deep End Pools Podcast

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with our pool and spa community! Periodic Products Inc. is proudly sponsoring the Deep End Pools Podcast, a treasure trove of knowledge for all things related to pools. Hosted by the dynamic duo of Frank and Jacque, this podcast dives deep into the world of pool construction, maintenance, and chemistry.

Frank and Jacque are powerhouses of expertise and enthusiasm. Frank, a Stain Treatment and Removal (STAR) Certified professional, is a true wizard when it comes to pool chemistry. His passion for the subject is contagious, and listening to him talk about chemicals and their combinations is nothing short of mind-blowing. But fear not, Jacque is there to ensure that Frank doesn’t go off on too many tangents. Her wit and charm keep the podcast engaging and on track!

Every week, listeners can expect to be treated to a wealth of tips, tricks, and insights on everything from building the perfect pool to maintaining its crystal-clear waters. Whether you’re a seasoned pool owner or just dipping your toes into the world of aquatic leisure, the Deep End Pools Podcast has something for everyone.

But that’s not all! As part of our sponsorship, we are excited to bring our listeners some exclusive bonuses. Stay tuned for special offers from Periodic Products and CuLator Metal Eliminator and Stain Preventer. These products are designed to make pool maintenance a breeze, ensuring that your pool stays metal-free, stain-free, pristine, and inviting all season long.

So why are we so thrilled to be sponsoring the Deep End Pools Podcast? It’s simple: we believe in the power of education and community. By supporting this podcast, we are not only helping pool owners make informed decisions about their pool care, but we are also fostering a sense of belonging within the pool enthusiast community and helping support pool and service professionals throughout the country.

Owning a pool is more than just a luxury; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about creating memories with family and friends, basking in the sun on lazy summer days, and escaping the stresses of everyday life. And with the guidance of Frank and Jacque, maintaining your pool has never been easier.

But perhaps the most rewarding aspect of sponsoring the Deep End Pools Podcast is knowing that we are helping people find joy and relaxation in their own backyard. There’s something magical about the shimmering surface of a well-maintained pool, and we’re honored to play a small part in bringing that magic to life for listeners.

So, whether you’re a pool aficionado or a novice just starting out, we invite you to dive into the Deep End Pools Podcast. Join Frank and Jacque as they explore the fascinating world of pool care, one episode at a time. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it!


Top 10 Reasons to Use CuLator Metal Eliminator and Stain Preventer for Pools and Spas

All Products CuLator

“CuLator offers a comprehensive solution for removing metals from pool water, ensuring clean, clear, and stain-free water while protecting equipment and simplifying maintenance. Its effectiveness lies in its ability to prevent staining, reduce scaling, and preserve water quality by removing metals such as copper, iron, and manganese. By stabilizing pH levels and being compatible with all pool types, CuLator simplifies pool maintenance while being environmentally friendly. With its long-lasting pouches and cost-effective approach, CuLator proves to be an essential investment for pool owners seeking to maintain pristine water conditions and prolong the lifespan of their equipment.”

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CuLator Removed Copper From My Swimming Pool!

Thank you kindly for the information!  Historically, for the pool, I’ve simply used the CuLator 1.0 packet in my skimmer basket with good results.  I did try the CuLator 4.0 inside the GatorCage as an upgrade/replacement, but it did not seem to perform much differently.  Not complaining, but if the 1.0 is working, it would be simpler for me to just continue that routine.

As far as actual movement and lifespan, continuously using on of the CuLator packets has kept my copper levels fairly steady at 0.1 ppm.  Sometimes 0.0 and sometimes 0.2, but very flat.  I was north of 1.0 and going higher when I started using them just under 2 years ago when we bought the pool.  Previous owner did not unfortunately manage the water chemicals very well – pH way out of spec, ridiculously high chlorine and CYA, plus he added algaecide doses every week…

Everything is now in much better shape, but I think there is some damage to either the heater and/or copper pool pipes (underground) allowing them to leech copper still.  However, I do think it is getting better (reduced)!   Actually planning running for several weeks later this summer when I have a bit more free time without the CuLator to see how fast the levels are rising, but assume there will still be a need long term for the CuLator.

Thank you again!

CuLator with Copper Removed from Swimming Pool Water

Another Happy Customer

The Results of Your Products Were Amazing! A Happy Customer!

Pool Steps with metal stains
Pool stair stains removed


It should be noted that I first tried Jack’s Magic Blue Stuff.  I was able to reduce the copper from about 3 to about 2 but that was it.  After a day or so, the copper level again increased. This was AFTER I replaced the brass ladder and the brass handrail with a new Safeco ladder and handrail.

The Jack’s rep was guiding me, but after the copper level increased, he told me that he could no longer help me and told me to get professional help.

That was when I went online and found Periodic Products.

The results of your products were amazing….as was your friendly advice.

I am a big believer in your products and I will always recommend your products and your support to my friends.

A happy customer!

Sandy from South Florida

Happy Customer in Washington State!

May 7, 2019

  “David M. is the guy!  If you need a “go to pool guy” to answer pool chemistry questions call David.  I have a 25.000 gallon in-ground pool(reason we purchased the house 5 years ago). Every year has been a challenge to open the pool.  We are on a well with lots of Iron and other metals.  Every year I would go to the local pool store and ask for advice on how to open my pool.  Every year I would end up spending hundreds of dollars on chemicals that they said would give me sparkling clear pool water.  Every year it would take a month or more just to get the pool to a swimmable state.  I would get the pool balanced and then they would say add more chlorine(more money).  One year after shocking the pool(just add more they said) my pool water turned a very pretty purplish brown! Unswimmable!  I looked online for help and I stumbled across the Periodic Products website.  I called them up and spoke with David.  I explained what was going on with my pool and he said stop.  He explained what was going on chemistry wise with my pool water.  He than laid out a plan step by step to get my pool water to that beautiful crystal clear state.  David said do this today and call me tomorrow and let me know what happened.  He did this over and over again until I had crystal clear pool water.  The amazing thing about his advice was every time he said to do something I got the exact result he said I would get.  It was as if he was at my house performing the task himself!  Another amazing thing was he didn’t try to sell me anything!  The only thing I purchased from David was  a CuLator 4.0 pack.  This I needed to eliminate the metals in my pool water from my well.  David gave me hundreds of dollars worth of advice and information free of charge and he did so with so much joy.  His advice gave me joy because it worked but it seemed to give him even greater joy because he had helped me. Again David is the guy!  I can’t say that enough or with enough enthusiasm!  I am now enjoying my pool(the reason we bought the house).  Thank You David and Periodic Products.   Marshall Washington State Pool owner

Happy Customers Make Us Happy!

Here is an email from a happy CuLator customer on 05/08/19:


Wow this is a fast response . Just what I needed . I love your products by the way . The CuLator is the only thing that has worked for me . I saw David M. had also called me back.

Tell him thank you also

I will continue to be a loyal customer of your products

Thanks again

Paul C.

We love customers like Paul!  Thank you for sharing your comments!