Question: I purchased CuLator Ultra 4.0 and it’s been in my pool for 1 week. It is starting to leak and very puffy. Is this normal? Should I remove it from the skimmer already? It is bluish green in color. Please see picture. P.T. Answer: That is perfectly normal! And the color means it is pulling out copper and possibly some iron out of your pool water. Often, in the manufacturing process, some of the polymers get onto the outside of the bag. It will look like it is leaking, but it isn’t (unless there is a tear in the bag). So, I would inspect the bag for rips and if there is nothing, then don’t worry about the product because it is working perfectly. By the way, if the gel substance comes off the bag, it will get caught on the filter and keep working until you rinse the filter off. And, the product is non-toxic. If you are concerned, just take the CuLator out and rinse it in fresh water and place it back into your skimmer.
I’ve had the 4.0 bag in my enclosed filter (right before the pool motor) for about a year, and I guess it’s not working anymore after so long. I’m ordering another one. I was just wondering if the contents of the bag start releasing those metals back into the water after so long?
How long can I leave the 4.0 bag in my enclosed filter that’s right before the pool motor? I’ve had it in there about a year, and I guess it’s not working anymore after so long. I’m ordering another one. I was just wondering if the contents of the bag start releasing those metals back into the water after so long?
The CuLator Ultra 4.0 will continue working until all the polymers have bound to metals. The length of time depends on the amount of metal in your swimming pool water. If your bag is feels watery inside or it feels like pebbles or stones, then it is time to replace your CuLator. Once the metals are bound to the CuLator, they will not release those back into the water. If the bag tears, the polymers will be caught by the filter and you just have to rinse the filter. This is why we recommend checking the bag every week. Thank you!