Top 10 Causes of Brown Pool Water

Help! My pool water is clear brown.

Brown pool water is usually due to metals, organic contaminants, or imbalances in the pool’s chemistry. Clear brown water indicates oxidized iron is in the swimming pool. Cloudy brown water indicates organics are also present in pool water.

Here are the top 10 causes:

  1. High Iron Content: Iron in the water often comes from well water, corroded pipes, saltwater systems, bricks, stones, pavers, and pool screens or cages. When chlorine is added to the pool, iron oxidizes, turning the water clear brown or rust colored. If the pH goes up too high, you will get surface staining. Solution: Use Mega Maintain and a CuLator Ultra 4.0.
  2. High Manganese Levels: Manganese in the water, also found in well water or through pipe corrosion, can oxidize and give a brownish or black tint. Solution: Use Mega Maintain and a CuLator Ultra 4.0.
  3. Oxidation: Metals in pool equipment can “dissolve” due to low pH, especially iron, copper, and manganese, which discolor the water and can stain pool surfaces. Solution: Use Mega Maintain and a CuLator Ultra 4.0.
  4. Algae Growth: Certain types of algae, especially when dying or being treated, can turn pool water brown or murky. Solution: Increase your chlorine level. If algae continue, use a copper-based algaecide.
  5. Debris and Organic Material: Leaves, soil, or organic debris can decompose in the pool, giving the water a brown tint and affecting the pH and chlorine levels. Solution: Add more chlorine.
  6. High Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): Excessive minerals and salts in the water can cause discoloration and murkiness if TDS levels become too high. Solution: Drain some pool water and replace it with fresh water.
  7. Low Chlorine Levels: Insufficient chlorine allows organic material to thrive, often leading to water discoloration or cloudiness. Solution: Add more chlorine.
  8. Incorrect pH Levels: Low or high pH can interfere with chlorine’s effectiveness, leading to discoloration from unbalanced water chemistry. Solution: Get pH within range of 7.2-7.6.
  9. Faulty Filter System: A clogged or broken filter can fail to remove organic particles and metals, leading to murky or brown water. Solution: Clean filter or replace with new filter.
  10. Old, Stale Water: If pool water has not been replaced or refreshed in a long time, contaminants and dissolved minerals can accumulate, leading to discoloration. Solution: remove some swimming pool water and replace it with fresh water.

Proper water testing and regular maintenance are key to identifying and addressing the root cause, especially by checking metal levels, pH, and filtration efficiency.

If your brown water is caused by iron, a simple solution is to use Maintain Sequester with a CuLator Ultra 4.0 to remove all the ionized metals therefore preventing pool surface stains and water discoloration.


If your brown water is caused by organics, increase your chlorine level, or add algaecide.

Dive into Happiness: Our Sponsorship of the Deep End Pools Podcast

We are thrilled to share some exciting news with our pool and spa community! Periodic Products Inc. is proudly sponsoring the Deep End Pools Podcast, a treasure trove of knowledge for all things related to pools. Hosted by the dynamic duo of Frank and Jacque, this podcast dives deep into the world of pool construction, maintenance, and chemistry.

Frank and Jacque are powerhouses of expertise and enthusiasm. Frank, a Stain Treatment and Removal (STAR) Certified professional, is a true wizard when it comes to pool chemistry. His passion for the subject is contagious, and listening to him talk about chemicals and their combinations is nothing short of mind-blowing. But fear not, Jacque is there to ensure that Frank doesn’t go off on too many tangents. Her wit and charm keep the podcast engaging and on track!

Every week, listeners can expect to be treated to a wealth of tips, tricks, and insights on everything from building the perfect pool to maintaining its crystal-clear waters. Whether you’re a seasoned pool owner or just dipping your toes into the world of aquatic leisure, the Deep End Pools Podcast has something for everyone.

But that’s not all! As part of our sponsorship, we are excited to bring our listeners some exclusive bonuses. Stay tuned for special offers from Periodic Products and CuLator Metal Eliminator and Stain Preventer. These products are designed to make pool maintenance a breeze, ensuring that your pool stays metal-free, stain-free, pristine, and inviting all season long.

So why are we so thrilled to be sponsoring the Deep End Pools Podcast? It’s simple: we believe in the power of education and community. By supporting this podcast, we are not only helping pool owners make informed decisions about their pool care, but we are also fostering a sense of belonging within the pool enthusiast community and helping support pool and service professionals throughout the country.

Owning a pool is more than just a luxury; it’s a lifestyle. It’s about creating memories with family and friends, basking in the sun on lazy summer days, and escaping the stresses of everyday life. And with the guidance of Frank and Jacque, maintaining your pool has never been easier.

But perhaps the most rewarding aspect of sponsoring the Deep End Pools Podcast is knowing that we are helping people find joy and relaxation in their own backyard. There’s something magical about the shimmering surface of a well-maintained pool, and we’re honored to play a small part in bringing that magic to life for listeners.

So, whether you’re a pool aficionado or a novice just starting out, we invite you to dive into the Deep End Pools Podcast. Join Frank and Jacque as they explore the fascinating world of pool care, one episode at a time. Trust us, you won’t want to miss it!

The Deep End Pool Podcast.

Top 10 Chemicals needed to open your Swimming Pool!

All Products CuLator


When starting up a swimming pool in the spring, several chemicals are essential to ensure the water is clean, balanced, and safe for swimming. These chemicals play various roles in sanitizing the water, preventing algae growth, and maintaining the proper pH and alkalinity levels. Here are some of the key chemicals needed for starting up a swimming pool.

  1. Chlorine: Chlorine is the primary sanitizer used in pools to kill bacteria, viruses, and algae. When starting up a pool in the spring, it’s essential to shock the pool with a concentrated dose of chlorine to eliminate any contaminants that may have accumulated over the winter. You can use either granular chlorine, liquid chlorine, or chlorine shock products for this purpose.  Once your pool is open, remember that the only safe swimming chlorine range is between 1-4 ppm.
  2. pH Increaser and Decreaser: pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the pool water. The ideal pH range for swimming pools is typically between 7.2 and 7.6. pH increaser (sodium carbonate or soda ash) is used to raise the pH level if it’s too low, while pH decreaser (sodium bisulfate or muriatic acid) is used to lower the pH if it’s too high.  If your pH ever falls below 7.0, then your water is acid and will destroy all surfaces, and your equipment, including your heater. 
  3.  Alkalinity Increaser: Total alkalinity is a measure of the water’s ability to resist changes in pH. Proper alkalinity levels (typically between 80 and 120 ppm for liners and 100-125 for plaster) help stabilize the pH and prevent rapid fluctuations. Sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) is commonly used to increase alkalinity when necessary.
  4.  Calcium Hardness Increaser: Calcium hardness refers to the concentration of calcium ions in the water. Maintaining the proper calcium hardness level (usually between 200 and 400 ppm) helps prevent corrosion of metal components and plaster surfaces, as well as scale formation. Calcium chloride is often used to increase calcium hardness in pool water.  Be careful not to overuse calcium chloride as once the calcium is in the swimming pool water, there is no simple way to remove it.
  5. Algaecide: Algaecides are chemicals designed to prevent or control algae growth in the pool. Adding an algaecide during startup can help inhibit algae growth as the pool water warms up and becomes more conducive to algae development. Choose an algaecide appropriate for your pool type and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for dosage and application.  Many algaecides contain copper, which works great, but be aware that if you choose a copper-based algaecide, you will need to use a CuLator Metal Eliminator to remove those ionic metals, or they can stain the swimming pool surfaces or turn your pool water colors.
  6. Stabilizer (Cyanuric Acid or CYA): Stabilizer helps protect chlorine from degradation due to UV sunlight exposure. Cyanuric acid is the most common stabilizer used in outdoor pools. Adding stabilizer during startup can help maintain chlorine effectiveness and reduce the need for frequent chlorine shock treatments.  Be careful not to over-use Stabilizer, as there is no effective way to remove CYA from the swimming pool water.  Try to always keep your CYA level between 30-50.
  7. Metal Sequestrant: Metal sequestrants are chemicals that bind to metals in the water, preventing them from causing staining or discoloration on pool surfaces. If your water source contains high levels of metals such as iron or copper, adding a metal sequestrant during startup can help prevent metal-related issues. We recommend starting up the pool with Super Start-Up or maintaining it with Mega Maintain.
  8. Metal Eliminator: Use a CuLator Metal Eliminator and Stain Preventer PowerPak 1.0 for pools under 20,000 gallons or a CuLator Ultra 4.0 for larger pools, pools on well water, or problem pools.  Using CuLator is a great way to protect your pool and spa surfaces and equipment from stain-causing metals like rust, iron, copper, manganese, nickel, cobalt, silver, aluminum, and lead.  The easiest way to control metals is with a CuLator Ultra 4.0 for the entire summer season.
  9.  Clarifier: Clarifiers are chemicals that help improve water clarity by causing small particles to clump together, making them easier to remove through filtration. Adding a clarifier during startup can help clear up cloudy water and enhance overall water quality.  However, this may not be necessary if your filters are clean or new.
  10. Sunscreen: This one is for you before you go into the pool, protect yourself from the sun’s harmful rays with sunscreen! A sunscreen’s sun protection factor (SPF) is only fully effective for two hours after you put it on, make sure to reapply! 

Before adding any chemicals to your pool, it’s essential to test the water to determine its current chemical balance and identify any specific needs. Use a reliable pool water testing kit to measure pH, alkalinity, calcium hardness, chlorine levels, and other parameters. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for each chemical product, and always wear appropriate safety gear when handling pool chemicals. By properly balancing and treating your pool water at startup, you can ensure a clean, clear, and safe swimming environment for the season ahead. Using this Range Based Balanced Pool Water Guide will help you identify how to correct your pool chemicals.